On the northern slope of Etna, in the district of Passopisciaro in the municipality of Castiglione di Sicilia, lies the Vajasindi Estate, with its 21 hectares of land. The vineyards extend on three terraces bordered by low wallsdry-stone walls, the first at 700 meters above sea level, the second and third at 620 meters above sea level.
Cold and snowy winters, cool springs and dry summers. Windy area and with the right degree of humidity.
21 °C
In Solicchiata, the vineyards have mostly northeast and southwest orientations. At Passopisciaro the lay of the land is flat and the orientations are equally distributed between northwest, southeast and northeast-southwest.
Soil with volcanic origin. Its formation can be traced back to the crumbling of one or more types of lava of different ages, and from eruptive materials such as lapilli, ash and sand.
Average planting density 4,800 plants per hectare with yields of about 50-60 quintals per hectare. Espalier training system with spurred cordon pruning, with four spurs and two buds for each.
Being a breezy area with just the right degree of humidity, it lends itself to the cultivation of red grape varieties that stand out for their elegance in the glass, such as Nerello Mascalese and Pinot Noir. Il vitigno a bacca bianca più diffuso è invece il Carricante.
Pinot Noir is one of the oenological challenges that has marked the path of Duca di Salaparuta. The key figure in this historic stage of the winery is Giacomo Tachis.
In 2003, when he first arrived on Mount Etna, he decided to explore the world of Pinot Noir, accepting the challenge to grow this variety, as noble as it is complex, in a new terroir still in its beginnings of what would, over the years, become a success of international scope.
Lavico Rosso DOC and Lavino Bianco DOC have their roots in the volcano, products of a harsh but giving nature. The vineyards are cultivated on the northern slope of the volcano, in a special microclimate where the soil, formed by the crumbling of different types of lava and more recent eruptive materials such as lapillus, ash and sand, naturally offers intense, savory and fresh nuances to the wines.
Il Pinot Nero è considerato un vitigno nobile ed elegante, ha origini francesi ma è diffuso anche in Italia.
In Sicilia il Pinot Nero è diffuso in tutta l’isola, ma sembra aver trovato il terroir ideale sull’Etna.
I vini prodotti da Pinot Nero si riconoscono dal profumo varietale di piccoli frutti rossi e da un sorso estremamente elegante.
Allevato tradizionalmente ad alberello, è il vitigno più diffuso nell’areale etneo.
La pianta è mediamente vigorosa, con foglie medio grandi. Il grappolo è medio con acini medio piccoli dalla buccia spessa e consistente dal colore blu-violaceo.
Vitigno storico dell’areale etneo, i nome deriva dall’alta capacità produtiva del vitigno.
La pianta è mediamente vigorosa con foglie medie. Il grappolo è medio di forma cilindrica con acini dalla buccia consistente di colore giallo-verdolino, dorato.